Why EAMaaS

An all-inclusive asset
management service.

Enterprise asset management software and implementation know-how are embedded in the fully managed EAMaaS cloud platform.

Each EAMaaS subscription includes:

Productivity Accelerators.

Built on best practice standards and industry specific experience in utilities, civil infrastructure and transportation, Productivity Accelerators are pre-configured components that you can leverage for faster, and more effective implementation.

Accelerators will vary according to industry, previous EAM systems and operational maturity, but may include:


Software  as a Service transfers responsibility for system design and maintenance to the cloud service provider. With EAMaaS, you access your software through a web browser, or mobile client, while we take care of things like software patching, backups, security, availability and performance.


Enterprise grade infrastructure located in Australian based data centres with built-in redundancy is dedicated to EAMaaS clients.

  • Highly available design with 99.99% annual uptime commitment
  • Always up to date with software patching and upgrades
  • Automated backup schedule and multi-site replication for a recovery point objective of 2 hours


EAMaaS is ISO27001 and ISO27017 Certified, providing assurance that data security has been addressed at every level.

  • Secure data and transmissions
  • Intrusion detection & prevention
  • End point management
  • Secure access options


EAMaaS is architected in line with industry best practices to ensure the level of availability and performance expected of an enterprise SaaS solution.

  • A single production and non-production instance
  • Reoccurring refresh and upgrades of underlying infrastructure hardware and software appliances to minimise risk of unplanned outages


All EAMaaS customers have unlimited, 24/7 access to Platform Support to report system bugs or issues with the availability of the platform.

  • 24/7 system health monitoring
  • phone and email support channels


EAMaaS is built for EAM and related technologies.

There are several licensing options available:

ArcGIS Enterprise

Enhanced Support

Our support team is certified in many enterprise asset management systems and has been supporting leading EAM and other Asset Information Ecosystem systems in the cloud for over 20 years. Gain peace of mind knowing that a local engineer can be available at the other end of the phone when you need help.

An extended managed service to support end users is available as an option.

Managed Services

Choose from Managed Service options to mine the expertise of our Asset Ecosystem partners:

The EAM cloud specialists.

Talk to one of our software specialists
about your requirements