Why Cloud?

EAM in the cloud makes sense.

Moving ‘to the cloud’ is a common phrase …. that can mean lots of different things. It could mean as little as hosting your enterprise applications in a data centre, or running and managing your software on a fully managed cloud platform.

EAM Systems, related third-party applications and Clarita’s best practice productivity accelerators are embedded within Enterprise Asset Management as a Service (EAMaaS) solution, which is available on a subscription basis as a fully managed cloud platform.

Software as a Service Delivery Model

This Software as a Service delivery model includes software licensing entitlements, installation and set-up to meet specific business requirements with extended end user support options available. This is in contrast to deploying software on premises, where you install software on local IT infrastructure and maintain both the software application and the related IT systems in house.

The benefits of EAM in the cloud

There are many benefits to using Saas, but most of them boil down to allowing your team to focus on their core competencies and businesses, as opposed to worrying about IT management. By transitioning to an ‘as a Service’ model, you can leverage market leading technologies in an environment that is always up-to-date without needing to hire expensive and difficult to find technical specialists.

Lower Cost of Entry

Simply, you only pay for what you need. You don’t need to buy expensive hardware or purchase any licences. Internal resources aren’t required to setup the hardware and install the software.


Accessible from anywhere at any time. Allows your employees to still be productive when they’re not in the office.

Reduced time to benefit

  • Reduced time to upgrade
  • Easily and quickly scale
  • New technology and functionality readily available
  • Expert advice whenever you need it

Superior Security

Many organisations find SaaS deployments to be more secure than hosting on-premises due to the economies of scale that cloud vendors can achieve—resulting in security expertise and capabilities beyond what most businesses can afford.

Reduced Costs Ongoing

  • Save money on refreshing and upgrading IT hardware
  • Internal resources previously dedicated to managing and maintaining the application and database can be refocused on more strategic priorities
  • Upgrade for free whenever you want
  • Easily scale up to meet business demands or take advantage of new technology/functionality
  • Predictable costs

Reliability & Performance

Because SaaS contracts are governed by service level agreements that include application uptime commitments, responsibility for the ongoing tasks that keep your application operational and performing smoothly - such as performance monitoring and tuning, backup and recovery - rests solely with the service provider.

Talk to one of our software specialists
about your requirements

Talk to one of our software specialists
about your requirements